"You'll never get ahead if you don't take care of what you have." - Doris Waddell, RIP

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn
Click on the image to read Williams family reflections w/ emphasis on UMM.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The darkness that is Trump, obvious now

We are waking up to a new world now, in which the past whispers or suspicions about Donald Trump's racism and general mental instability are giving way to bald realization. Can we rule out any drastic prediction about Trump now?
Can we rule out that he might get drawn very directly into the whole Epstein thing? C'mon, can we rule it out? Can we rule out that he will harass the Federal Reserve into doing things that will have deleterious consequences?
I'm reminded of a college friend of mine, Brad from the Iron Range, who I knew mainly from dorm lounge conversations. He insisted that the average person had little idea and little interest in how "the Fed" affected their lives. Indeed the effect is profound, Brad asserted. He was a person of Finnish descent from Virginia MN.
Remember when Paul Volcker took over the Fed? He really made us "take our medicine." You see, this is what the Fed has to do sometimes: make decisions that cause short-term adversity but would be healthy long-term. We hear about the need for the Fed's "independence." So I was scared recently, as we all should be, to see headlines saying it's "uncertain" whether Trump can fire Fed Chair Jerome Powell.
If it's "uncertain," I guarantee you that our unstable commander in chief will test the limits. Doesn't he always?
We all know that some interest rate reduction would produce a sugar rush for Wall Street and this is what Trump prioritizes. He feels this is the only measuring stick for the economy and his re-election. Let's emphasize the latter. If a president has to concede that the Fed needs to raise interest rates, and if this lessens the chance for re-election, well so what? The president doesn't absolutely need the job, does he? He's doing it for public service or at least we think this, in theory. But doesn't Trump contradict our presumptions from theory? Isn't this clear by now?
Do you all need a big shot of caffeine to become sensitive to what's happening? Shouldn't Trump's sudden burst of naked racism and nativism awaken us? Do we want to be remembered in historical accounts as acquiescing to all that is going on?
Trump watches TV all day, bad enough in itself, and when he isn't consuming Fox News then it's the financial news networks, CNBC and Fox Business. He is absolutely determined to look good on the financial news shows - he can't risk any slippage there. When I was a kid, the financial news was boring. The Big 3 TV networks had a reporter like Irving R. Levine do a segment each day that seemed nothing more than filling an obligation. There was nothing sexy about the financial news, not at all like today.
So you think Trump can't fire the Fed chair? OK let's consider: the Fed chair can only be removed "for cause." I think Trump could at least try to drive a Mack truck through that, based on his fantastical and paranoid delusions. He once criticized Janet Yellen for not raising interest rates fast enough. Why would he have argued that? In his defensive mindset, he thought Yellen was just "trying to help Obama."
So now, his fear is that Powell would refuse to cut interest rates merely as an act of being anti-Trump. Might Powell be anti-Trump? A good share of the people who are still in their right mind are skeptics of Trump. If Powell is found to have shared even one skeptical comment about Trump, even in a private conversation, even in a party conversation, Trump could seize on this as being "cause" for removing the Fed chair.
Nobody is prohibited from having their own personal political views, not even FBI agents. What are these institutions supposed to do? Screen all prospective employees to see if they've ever shared a political opinion with anyone?
We might already be suspicious of the Fed because it is run by un-elected people. That's a rational doubt to have about the Fed, not like Trump's paranoid position.
I'm suggesting that Trump is desperate to get re-elected. Why do I assert this? It's because I have a brain. Trump knows that if he is forced to leave the presidency, he'll be a sitting duck for the Southern District of New York and all the "goods" they have on him.
I guess a sitting president cannot be indicted for anything, although once again there is some disturbing gray area. What if accounts come forward of Trump engaging in sexual conduct with minors as a result of the rolling revelations about Epstein? Can you really tell me that such suspicions are absurd and could never have factual grounding? I wouldn't rule out Bill Clinton even. Clinton was willing to receive oral sex from an intern right in the White House, and BTW when are we finally going to get a graphic movie about this?
Clinton may still be somewhat of a hero to the progressive crowd but I think that is now with substantial reservations. At the time the whole Clinton/Lewinsky thing was unraveling - and BTW why did we call it the Lewinsky scandal and not the Clinton scandal? - I wanted Clinton to resign. It's not like we'd be turning the presidency over to Bob Dole. Bob Dole? The Republicans of today would skewer the man for being too moderate. So they embrace Donald Trump.
Where will it end? How will it end? Can Trump ever be made to leave the White House? He has attorneys pounding away with counter-actions all the time, to restrain reasonable efforts at oversight. Could lawyers stand in the way of an orderly change in the presidency? Didn't that Cohen fellow warn us with a look of grave seriousness in his eyes?
We need a hero now, someone who has been in Trump's orbit and is ready to do an about-face. We should pray every day that this happens. If it does not, heaven help us all.
So the interests of Wall Street come first? I'm looking at the July 15 entry in the daily devotional book given me by Knute Nelson Hospice. The apostle Paul warned his protege Timothy: "Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction." And "some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."
I know the local Apostolic Christians consider it very important to make money. Is Neil Schmidgall still flying his "Trump" flag in front of his residence north of Morris? If you know him, please advise him to take it down. To anyone offended by my comments, I'd just say that I'm proud to make them.

Addendum: It is halfway through the day Monday as I post this, and it appears we're getting into "Alice Through the Looking Glass" territory.
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

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