"You'll never get ahead if you don't take care of what you have." - Doris Waddell, RIP

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn
Click on the image to read Williams family reflections w/ emphasis on UMM.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Oh captain, my captain? Hardly

True Fascism may be sprouting in the U.S. It is 4:30 a.m. on Friday and we do not thank God it's Friday, not with everything that is going on. I got out of bed fully expecting to hear of accelerated unrest in the Twin Cities. And yes, such a development is in the news.
Was there not basic probable cause to make arrests of the offending police officers? The prosecution is afraid of "losing" if the decision is expedited? Is that it? It's time we forget about winning and losing so much, about the "turf protection" by public officials - caution, caution, caution. CYA. Well, covering one's posterior here has resulted in most disturbing scenes from overnight in the Twin Cities. Was it worth it?
There is so little possible gray area in judging what the police officers did. An arrest is a preliminary step. The effects can be rescinded. In the meantime we'd get a greater sense of calm among all of us. Lives and property can be protected. Instead we get public servants at microphones biding their time out of a sense of excruciating proper procedure. All this amidst the unprecedented stress of the pandemic which has turned our world upside down.
We may in fact see the start of a "Children of Men" scenario, the 2006 movie. It may be unfolding before our eyes. There is kerosene being thrown on the fire. Of course Donald Trump was not going to encourage the most conciliatory attitudes. At some point he'll pay lip service. But he has a checkered background on race issues. Will he literally start using the U.S. military? That's when Fascism starts entering the picture.
The longer Trump is in office, the more time he has to surround himself with people who are unquestioning. Is this not happening as we speak? Are there not new revelations almost daily about the slippery slope we're on? He needs to protect himself because the law could come after him once he loses the cloak of protection of the presidency. He is using all the power of his office, aided by his totally devoted attorney general, to lift his Republican Party to primacy, to demonize the other party and stick a dagger in it.
Everything that happens in Washington D.C. will become an extension of his intentions. The president cannot be held accountable. And this morning he is suggesting that looters in the Twin Cities be shot.
So, we bend over backwards for due process for the offending police officers, but civil unrest will not be met by a spirit of understanding or empathy from the powers in place in D.C. It's a splash of kerosene on a burst of frustrated and legitimate emotions.
I think history has examples of this: a political leader who may have been normal and well-intentioned at the start, and then with time comes the corrupting influence of power. Trump as an entertainer was one thing. He maybe didn't suspect what power might do to him. Reality TV made him a curiosity and an agreeable one, mostly. TV is like Hollywood: a "dream factory." Nothing is real.
Why on earth did we elect Trump as president? Hillary Clinton had the full resume for taking on the job. She was hardened to the responsibilities of the job. Most importantly she understood the give and take of political power, how you have to share common ground with your adversaries sometimes. You become insulated from some of the barbs - nothing is really personal. You can't just go scorched-earth against those who differ. Fascists would do that.
Our president should be conciliator-in-chief now. And it still wouldn't tamp down all the discontent. There are times when a president must act as a sort of calming referee. He must understand that politics is sometimes sausage-making. He balances this with the need to speak in idealistic terms, to affirm the best in us. Above all else the president must appear compassionate.
Perhaps the most dead-on commentary was offered by Howard Stern. He implores Trump to recognize that the job of president is "above him" and to please step aside. And the two could still be friends, Stern continued, could meet for a pleasant lunch at Mar-A-Lago. Of course the job is above Trump. He already had disturbing baggage on race issues. He could temper that part of his background now if he had a modicum of sensible instincts.
Instead he suggests that looters could be shot. Shooting randomly into a mob? Like at Kent State? A scene from "Children of Men?" We have arrived at dystopia maybe?
Everything I'm writing here should seem obvious. So do I have any suggestions to add to the mix? Maybe a giant "flash mob" to encircle the White House, people walking as the crow flies where possible, from all directions, with demands for the highest-ranking people in government to come out, communicate and be accountable. We might talk about police aggressiveness and pandemic incompetence. We're sick of hearing about Wall Street's interests.
The government wouldn't dare shoot and kill thousands of American citizens. Unless it's on a Fascist bent.
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

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