"You'll never get ahead if you don't take care of what you have." - Doris Waddell, RIP

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn
Click on the image to read Williams family reflections w/ emphasis on UMM.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

New variant while holidays beckon

We might have expected the "new covid variant." Whatever it's called, it won't be the last word. We can probably count on that. 
Are the new variants a way for this bug to get around the vaccinations? A means of evolution? Do we know yet for sure how this menace got thrust upon us? The Wuhan lab? A lab leak? Bats? Wet market? Given the gravity of the matter, you'd think the powers-that-be would summon the means to get an answer. 
Gain of function research? I mean, is there maybe a grain of truth, at least, in the suspicion being leveled by Rand Paul vs. the venerated Dr. Fauci? I had a line in my annual Christmas song last year that was quite respectful toward Dr. Fauci. Trying to guard him from some slings and arrows. But what about "gain of function research?" And was Dr. Fauci a party to that? 
We don't know the full answer on origin yet. Thus we entertain all sorts of speculation. 
Yours truly theorized early-on that space aliens might have thrust this menace on us. Such a move would have a purpose of saving the planet. The most powerful person on Earth, the president of the U.S., proclaimed during 2016-2020 that climate change is a "hoax." This individual took us out of the Paris Climate Accords. Were the space aliens paying attention? Did they decide that something had to be done with urgency, lest this planet meet its end for living things? 
Such a scenario would follow perfectly the plot line for the original "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and its sequel. The movies by themselves show that we, the human race, are not clueless about our environment. 
But it is we of the United States that chose a particular president for 2016-2020, as if we were just trying to amuse ourselves. A president who apparently seriously considered employing nuclear weapons toward the end. To the extent that a high-ranking military person felt he had to share a heads-up with other world leaders. 
So, we hear about this on the news and then just sort of shrug? File it away with other crazy things coming out of that presidency? Is it that important for us not to be bored? 
The space aliens are surely aware that the president of 2016-2020 did not get the most votes in 2016. The opponent did. The opponent would have been a "proper" president. And in many people's minds, that would mean "dull." This individual would have tackled the pandemic in a way that surely would cause some inconvenience and annoyance in the short term. The effort would probably have gone beyond short-term, given the extent of the danger. 
This individual would have used the Defense Production Act in the proper manner. Everyone would have just nodded with understanding. It's a crisis and we must respond with prudence. Government 101. Not the kind of approach that yields a gold mine for the media. The media instead salivates over an inexperienced reality star president who acts in a provocative way constantly. It appeals to our limited attention span, keeps us occupied. Gives the media "eyeballs" which in contemporary times, is judged essential by those denizens e.g. Chuck Todd. 
We had a president pre-Biden who used the Defense Production Act to direct meat processing plants to continue operating. What does this have to do with combating the pandemic, "fighting the war" against the bug? "Defense" means there is danger at our doorstep. That's the whole point. It is invoked when our normal capitalistic processes aren't going to cut it. 
Donald Trump's supporters have vilified states that adopted special means for voting that might not be totally in line with state constitutions. It was an emergency. We don't want people streaming into polling locations, or streaming into meat processing plants to work, if a substantial percentage will have their health threatened. Or to die. Such reasonableness. 
Mark Zuckerberg led an effort to facilitate voting under the cloud of the pandemic, clearly non-partisan. The Trump crowd shouts him down. 
Can't we all get along eating a little less meat? Think of the sacrifice this nation made for World War II. 
The Republicans scream about spending proposals they judge "socialism" from the Democrats. What did the 20-year war in Afghanistan cost us? The monetary cost. Can you suggest a figure? A Republican president got us mired over there because, well, he just had to. He had to make sanctimonious pronouncements about "fighting for freedom." He always talked about "freedom." Like freedom from regulations that might ensure a healthy planet. 
Why are so many of us so obstinate in not recognizing the stark reality? People stream into their conservative churches out here in red state country, western Minnesota, and so much of their thoughts are applied toward attacking "critical race theory," for one thing. Ignoring things like the genocide of Native Americans will not make that chunk of history go away. 
Ken Burns is arguing that a really great nation is classy and honest enough to recognize its missteps, its warts from history. But the conservative churches like around Morris are full of people who want to stomp on gay marriage and gay rights. The space aliens may be paying attention. 
I pray that my theory about the space aliens, their possible effort to cleanse the Mother Earth of homo sapiens, is not true. Can you actually swear that this theory cannot be true? Can you explain the crop circles?
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

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