"You'll never get ahead if you don't take care of what you have." - Doris Waddell, RIP

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn
Click on the image to read Williams family reflections w/ emphasis on UMM.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

There was some hope on Tuesday

Judge Lewis Kaplan (NYLJ image)
Fooled again. I sensed some drama on Tuesday as I thought surely that the time had come for the U.S. to push the Orange Man aside. 
Surely we would decide that it's not necessary to have Trump's name in the big headlines daily. To command our attention so much. To see his mug with an item at the top of Yahoo News daily. But it has become such a norm. 
Is it really just habit or are we consciously deciding we want this criminal, this convicted rapist, to lead the way for us all? Are we "Christians" of the U.S. setting the tone for how we must keep obsessing on Trump and his many acolytes? 
Yes, a judge named Kaplan decided that Trump really had committed rape. You know the victim's name: E. Jean Carroll. What a courageous person she is. 
Again I have friends who will resent me for even writing once again with today's tone. If enough of us skeptics continue speaking out, asserting ourselves, can the corner possibly be turned? Can we all decide to approach our national issues being led by someone other than the Orange Man? Could he at least be shelved and considered more of a side curiosity? He would be a pathetic side curiosity. 
A man judged by a jury in a legitimate legal process to have committed sexual assault. And now a real judge has made it clear that the offense in question was indeed rape, "according to the general understanding of the word rape." So DJT raped a woman and this has been adjudicated through our legal process. 
But wait, the Trumpians don't necessarily respect our legal process any more. Without our legal system, where would the U.S. be? An autocracy where the people at the top are able to nullify elections? Wait, that is precisely what the Trump group attempted, came dangerously close to succeeding. 
These efforts were aided by our own U.S. congressperson out here in Jason Aldean country. That's Michelle Fischbach. Looks like she does not want to answer questions about her public stance on Jan. 6 now. 
Michelle Fischbach
Wouldn't Ms. Fischbach want to show that she is proud of her own judgment? She was worried about "allegations of voting irregularities too voluminous to ignore." Rather vacuous assertion. She might clarify. So she was on board with Ted Cruz, "Mr. Happy" of the U.S. Senate. 
Maybe y'all are fans of Jason Aldean. I was barely familiar with him until the current fuss about a current song of his. It celebrates small town America as a bastion away from the big cities. The message about gun-toting small town folks caused a stir. It was just too much. CMT pulled the song from its rotation. 
A day for a pivot?
So I thought Tuesday of this week was a day for feeling special drama, a turning point for this nation in realizing we just had to turn away from Trump. In the evening I sensed an actual glow of relief. In the next 24 hours a familiar realization entered my head. Hey, it's not happening. We see another raft of headlines about legal machinations involving the Orange Man. "Judge Cannon" is a household name. Why should she be? 
It's all in our faces again. And I need not even make my rounds in our community of Morris to realize that the Trump crowd is not budging - the Apostolic Christians, conservative Christians and others. It's like their eyes are glazed over. 
Trump's ultra-conservative Supreme Court made a ruling on affirmative action. Might it have a detrimental effect here in Morris? I mean, with our plum of an asset in the U of M-Morris which has its multi-ethnic building and offers free tuition to Native Americans? Think that's a good thing? 
That's not the point. The point is about whether UMM can stay on course with its multi-ethnic attitude in light of the tone set by the court. Is the free tuition thing still tenable? Might it be challenged? Trump sycophant Stephen Miller already has an organization set up ready to go, powered by conservative "lawyers" of course to go after any straying educational institutions. This crowd spares no one. 
Remember that UMM has always been a precious asset for our local economy. Your vote matters and elections have consequences. If you're drifting along feeling the whimsy of a Jason Aldean song, get a life. Don't let entertainers influence you so much. They are just creating a product. They learn how to shape it in order to market themselves. It's not "real." 
My current post on "Morris of Course" is inspired by the Aldean thing. The heading is "Country music needs to recognize good business." I invite you to read with this permalink, and thanks. - BW
Get real
The dichotomy of the charming small town and the evil big cities is a gross oversimplification. People in small towns are afraid of violence too. Big cities are "where the people are," so if they are experiencing corrosion, we're all in trouble. 
Yes, we're all in trouble, period. Trump pulled the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord. He says climate change theory is a "hoax." You absolute rubes if you follow the Orange Man's lead on this. Look at the headlines about excessive heat across the U.S. over this past week. This kind of heat kills
The reason Republicans don't want to see drastic action to curtail climate change, is that this is the kind of problem that really calls for "big government," and that's anathema for them. A Democratic leader would call for various bold actions to keep the U.S. on a healthy course. 
Forget about which party ends up looking like a "winner" or a "loser." It's not about that. It's about whether we as Americans can continue to enjoy life. So quit listening to Jason Aldean. 
But why am I writing all this today, if I have concluded it really seems futile? Tuesday did not turn out to be a turning point day with Trump. This never happens. Think of "Groundhog Day" where we keep re-experiencing the same day. Get up in the morning, there's Trump's picture at the top of a news web page. Articles that quote lawyers. Legal stuff that seems never to reach resolution. "Judge Cannon." 
This space alien type of person "Marjorie Taylor Greene" who now "inflicts Hunter Biden nudes on America." That's a headline on the Drudge Report this morning (Thursday). What would my late parents have thought? They could not have even begun to understand. 
Now we're supposed to panic about "Meghan and Harry separating." But I'm more worried about climate change. 
People around our Morris, to the extent they would pay any attention to me or even acknowledge my existence, would sniff and say I am merely a "Trump hater." I have "Trump derangement syndrome." And then they'd go their merry way off to some church Sunday morning that reinforces all their co-called beliefs. 
Here's a headline from the Washington Post this morning: "Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll." I may be an island all by myself, here in Jason Aldean country, but such environs are my home. The worm will not turn. Any argument with a Trump supporter just ends with the Trump person saying "so what?" How is the rape thing going to affect how the U.S. is perceived around the world? Time for a new song?
On Tuesday when my feeling of optimism was higher, I posted the comment below with a Yahoo news article:
Let's try to sense what's going on: The building momentum of Jack Smith's work is changing the perception of the whole Jan. 6 aftermath. It is no longer so foggy, not that it should ever have been foggy. The fog is clearing and there will be a near-consensus on the seriousness of the infractions. Thank God our legal system could come through in the end. And now that "the end" seems to be setting in, people in prosecutorial positions everywhere do not want to "miss the boat" by being left behind, of seeming negligent. Smith is figuratively "leading the charge." Someone had to do it. The walls are finally caving in on MAGA, but the process was like pulling teeth. Where would we be without Liz Cheney, a hero for the history books?

"DSW" submitted a response:
The January 6th Committee, and their exceptional work, greatly assisted the prosecutors, giving them a clear road map. The Committee's work helped the DOJ move on this.
"sbisch" responded to my comment as follows:
As time heals all wounds, so does it have a history of exposing the truth, whether it is what you want to believe or not.

And here's "Carl's" two cents worth:
Had you told me 20 years ago Dick Cheney's daughter would save our republic, I would have had you committed.
"Delton" replied to me as follows:
It was never at all foggy. The apparent fog was really just a smoke screen thrown up by the MAGAs. But their supply of fuel is running out.

Here's a comment from "A":
If Liz Cheney didn't have a dog in the fight of making 1/6 more significant in history than the Bush/Cheney counterterrorism failure of 9/11, then I would hold her in high esteem.
"Gail" responded:
Jan. 6 was never foggy for anyone with a brain that has not been rotted by the MAGA movement.

"TFG" (the former guy)
Here's the two cents from "AO63." Note: This individual refers to "TFG" which I find is "The Former Guy."
Remember. . .if these criminal plans had "succeeded" in keeping TFG in power, nobody would have been accountable.

Here's the response from "JM":
Many of these politicians are wealthy and have powerful contacts that shielded them from repercussions from their actions. The law has finally caught up to them. They committed felonies and tried to overturn the will of the people like they do in third world countries. We are a nation of laws; if you commit a felony, you better prepare yourself for a miserable life in prison. These fake electors deserve 25+ years in prison at the bare minimum.
And from "Steve":
Liz Cheney, a hero? Her father was instrumental in sending thousands of young American service members to their deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan, solely so he could enrich himself and Liz by extension.

From "LuAnn":
She is a hero. Liz was treated so unfairly by her own. It’s a shame.
"BG" chimes in:
I am not as optimistic. Parts of the legal system have been corrupted (see Supreme Court) and there are plenty of MAGA clowns in high positions in the judiciary. Plenty of these traitors will sell their souls to be on the Trump "winning" team if they think they can benefit in some way (such as career promotions, fraud, or fund-raising). We saw that in his previous administration. And most got away with it!

The "Luthuanian Observer" responded to me:
I realize this article is about fake electors being charged in Michigan, but since your comment brought up Jack Smith's name, my comment in regard to the work that Jack Smith is doing, would be the hope that Mr. Smith goes after some of our elected officials in Washington, and that they be held accountable for aiding and abetting Trump's illegal attempt to stay in power after he lost the 2020 presidential election.
Here's "Virginia's" response:
And Adam Kinzlinger. I'll never forget how he and his family were threatened because he was faithful to his oath to uphold the Constitution. Trump's sick militia even threatened his infant son. Time to clean house in OUR direction and vote the demons out of office and all the corrupt entities who've committed crimes on behalf of the deranged cult leader.

From "Al":
Do not cry victory yet, Teflon Don can still win with the help of the MAGA House.
From "Buffwheel":
I can see clearly now the reign is gone.

Moving on, less optimistic (frown)
Here's a comment I posted with a Yahoo News article yesterday (Wednesday):
Dream, dream, dream. Yesterday (Tuesday) was one of those days I thought was a watershed, where "finally we are done with Trump." Jack Smith was building momentum. So surely the smart top Republicans could get together and chart a path with Mr. Orange pushed off to the side. IT NEVER HAPPENS. Now it's dawning on me. "Groundhog Day."

Here's a response from "Mechant":
Oh Brian, denial at this level does not say anything good about your mental health.

Thanks to "John," I think, for this response:
You seem slow, are you?
Ah, there's a million stories in the naked city. I find these discussions stimulating. Pray for our nation.
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

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