"You'll never get ahead if you don't take care of what you have." - Doris Waddell, RIP

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn
Click on the image to read Williams family reflections w/ emphasis on UMM.

Friday, September 1, 2023

"Biden economy" seems pretty good here

Friday morning leading into a holiday weekend. What are we really supposed to be celebrating for Labor Day? It's a cute little gesture to America's working people. The reward is the opportunity to get away from work a little. There are no formal programs to recognize the holiday, quite unlike Memorial Day. 
Memorial Day and Labor Day are the "bookend" holidays for summer. Summer comes and then it goes, giving way to the long slog over the cold weather months. The current weekend is a last fling when we find weather's nice. A mild fall would just be a bonus. We feel comforted with the start of high school fall sports, that's for sure. 
Coming back from breakfast this morning, I noticed once again the apparent vitality of the local economy. I was on bike. I have to pause crossing the highway as vehicles are so numerous. The big trucks rumble by. So my point is that the economy must be humming if so many vehicles are proceeding along our roadways. 
I also notice a fair amount of construction activity: additions to buildings etc. I see opulent new homes going up east of the townhome development just off the bypass. This is east of town as you get out close to the river. Congrats to the people who are moving ahead with such homes. Not sure I'd need such fancy digs. To each their own. 
Those outdoor steps
Sometimes I walk, ride bike and get into a contemplative state. I notice how some of the above-average homes have an outdoor stairway that leads up to a deck. Impressive to be sure. But I don't think I've ever seen a person walking up or down such steps! Do people plan their homes beyond satisfying their real needs? Does some of this fall into a "vanity" realm? It's a theory and whatever the case, we all have the right to plan our amenities. 
So I repeat that the economic situation would appear to be quite good here in Stevens County. I bring this up partly because we read of polls that show people disapprove of the "Biden economy." 
I suggest we form our opinions of the "macro" scene on vague notions of what we like and dislike. So it's not really based on the micro factors of how we are doing. People consume conservative media that is so colored with anti-Democratic Party sentiment. 
I will lose readers the second I bring up the name "Trump." I have a friend who I consider to be fairly close, who says he just disengages when I go in that direction. What a wonderful world we would have, if I felt no need to broach the subject. Were this person named Trump to be disqualified from running again, what a sigh of relief we would all breathe. He'd still be in the news because of the behavior he showed as our real national leader. I had a hard time getting that out. 
I am astounded that I was "wise" to Trump and his profound crookedness so long ago while the people around me either didn't notice or ate out of the man's hand. The man co-opted what appeared to be a plurality of the nation's churchgoers. Oddly and sadly, much of that grip remains to this day. 
Daily there are headlines about the plethora of legal consequences coming down on Trump and his people. I assure you that people by their nature gravitate to power. So, if Trump gets a grip on national power again - hardly a remote chance of that - surely he'll get a circle of loyal people around him. Trump went through various chiefs of staff until he found the ultimate toady in Mark Meadows. We can assume that Meadows had the very common human trait of wanting to be totally loyal to his superior. 
Even Nazi Germany had a "justice" system, something to hold the nation together albeit with consummate evil intent. Trump would do likewise. An extreme comparison? Well, no. Trump while in power cited the "loyalty" of Hitler's generals as if that was an exemplary trait. I stated the obvious in a comment posted to Yahoo News: No American president should ever cite anything connected to Nazi Germany as exemplary. 
Just to repeat, Trump did, and then he had to be corrected by John Kelly who noted that Hitler's generals tried to kill him. Also, Hitler established the SS largely to keep an eye on the generals. You can easily look up how many of his own generals Hitler had killed. 
I already knew all this background and who am I? Merely a resident of Flyoverland with all the pull of a grain of sand on a vast beach. I could look at Trump being advised by Rudy Giuliani and proclaim "that's ridiculous." We are learning more about how Giuliani was drunk while involved in assisting Trump. This compounded issues related to Giuliani's sheer age, as we are most clearly seeing with Mitch McConnell too. 
McConnell should be held to account for the Supreme Court justices who tipped the scales against "Roe." McConnell made recommendations re. this to Trump. And so the women of America are dealing with the consequences. 
The drumbeat of headlines about the Trump crowd will continue right through Labor Day weekend. We can get the impression that the law is slowly but surely catching up to the people who were either all-in or just clueless about what was going on. So we can feel heartened by current developments. But to use the tired Yogi Berra quote, "it's not over until it's over." 
So I must continue writing despite being that "grain of said." It's good for my basic conscience. The worsening headlines for the Trump crowd can maybe be understood in a fundamental way. So I posted the following to Yahoo News a couple days ago:
If it seems like there is a wave of judgments going against Trump and associates, I'd like to offer the explanation that America's legal system is based on the Judeo-Christian ethic, tell the truth, treat others like you want to be treated. And if our system ever drifts away from that, America as we've known it is gone.
Mitch McConnell
The McConnell phenomenon bubbles up at the same time as the legal developments with Trump. Surely you know that the Senate minority leader presents bona fide health issues. He's 81 and that's fine in and of itself. People all over the world are seeing these news clips of McConnell "freezing" and being unable to say any more, before he gets whisked away. Most recently it happened when he was asked about running again in 2026. 
Please, do we really have to weigh that question? There are people always wanting to give the benefit of the doubt to Republicans. So some people said McConnell was just unsure about how to answer that particular question. Let's hear a loud "whatever!" 
So I posted the following comment to Yahoo News. I share some responses to my comment after that. Thanks for reading.
I'm not sure the question was significant. Mitch's family and others who care about him need to be concerned now about how he'll be remembered. Has this crossed Mitch's own mind? Is he aware of how the media responds to these episodes? He should enter into comfortable retirement.

K.M. responded:
Exactly. I get that the money is good. The POWER!!!. . .but there is a time to just retire and go enjoy what is left of your life. Don't worry, there are plenty of others whom will step in and make the rest of us miserable, Mitch. lol. All these people need to stop. Biden, Trump, Nancy go to Mcdonald's and enjoy a cheese burger and coffee.
"Dreamspinner Cheryl" responded:
Moscow Mitch won't be remembered as anything but corrupt and evil, no matter how he goes out.
From Vickie:
Trouble is, nobody truly cares about Mitch the man, only Mitch the power monger.
"GoDems" chimed it:
NOPE. Mitch is proud of his title as The Grim Reaper and Supreme Court Packer and so are his family. As long as he was Senate majority leader, every bill that arrived in the Senate for a vote that would better America, died in his vast graveyard of bills. His only goal was to kneecap the Dem agenda, to own the Libs, even if it hurt the entire nation.

From Adrian:
He's a Republican. What mind?
Deborah gives shout-out:
well said Brian
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

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