"You'll never get ahead if you don't take care of what you have." - Doris Waddell, RIP

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn
Click on the image to read Williams family reflections w/ emphasis on UMM.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Bad weather finally moves over for softball

At least we didn't get a tornado yesterday (Tuesday). Have you noticed that the severe weather warning areas have been concentrated in the middle of the U.S.? Maybe just touches the southern edge of Minnesota. And aren't those "storm chasers" something? Find the darkest, most threatening clouds and drive toward it! 
People on "the coasts" who follow the weather are sure being reminded of the existence of the Midwest, those vast and sparsely-populated places that are beautiful because of their serenity. Kansas, Nebraska et al. The University of Iowa with its women's basketball team has helped too! A major team commanding big-time attention even on "the coasts." 
And how invigorating to see Caitlin Clark make one of her "logo 3's" in the pros. It happened the same game where she got her ankle injury scare. I hope proper precautions are taken handling her. Please no "painkillers." The girl could probably use a rest. 
What a day for our weather here in Morris on Tuesday. Dark, wet, windy. And so all this may possibly have rendered our "softball complex" rather a mudhole, maybe? Wet grounds? Sub-section games were initially scheduled to be played there yesterday. Was pretty obvious from early-on they'd be no-go. 
A check with "Minnesota Scores" on this Wednesday morning shows a re-scheduling for Thursday. Is it true that Wednesday has to be left open because that's a day set aside for church activities? I have commented before that this arrangement should end. School activities often fill the available days of the week. I know it can be difficult for getting in the fine arts events. There have been springs when many early-season or even mid-season games are "postponed." 
My, we wouldn't have to deal with that if we had the "inflatable cover" for Big Cat Stadium. The regular season could begin right on schedule, really right after basketball is done. Under perfect conditions. How about that, Mary Holmberg? 
In fact, Big Cat could be a major asset for softball even without the inflatable cover. I have watched UMM softball games played at Big Cat when spring weather fails to cooperate. I was very surprised how good the arrangement was! I wasn't even expecting this to be an option. It is in fact a wonderful option. And for what it's worth, it is tremendously advantageous for the fans. They of course sit up in the bleacher seats just like they would for football - get a wonderful view. 
Fans are of course screwed at the softball complex. No need for me to remind you. 
Let's take a look at our "MN Scores" page and see what's up for Tiger softball on Thursday. OK, the Tigers will play Montevideo at 3 p.m. The location given is "Morris Area" so I assume it's the softball complex. If the pattern of previous years is followed, we'll have one day of post-season play in Morris and then it's off to other locations. 
I believe games are even played over the Memorial Day weekend. I have always been surprised at that. Will we get more weather warnings? 
Sad: I have not been able to write blog posts on MACA softball this spring. I would have enjoyed doing so. I'm not aware of any place online to find timely gave review information. Feel free to correct me on that. In the past we might have expected at least some game info in the Willmar newspaper or its website. The website reviews would be timely. The paper seeks to report the day after a game which is pretty nice. 
MACA has fallen outside the coverage territory of the West Central Tribune. So you can't find it as a matter of habit. Some Tiger baseball info has gotten on their site. That might be because of who we are playing on certain dates. Or maybe the MACA coach is calling in and the paper is taking his calls. Really I can only speculate. 
I was able to write a review of the recent 12-2 win by the MACA baseball Tigers over Lac qui Parle. You might be aware that Bart Hill has retired as LQPV baseball coach. Where does the time go? Bart was coach of the Eagles for 27 years and had a record over .500. Quite a run. I remember writing about Bart when he was an MAHS Tiger student-athlete. I seem to recall his wrestling exploits most of all. 
You may read my post about our 12-2 baseball win with this link, and thanks!
If you are looking for MACA softball information, you'll find it in the Morris print newspaper - their "dead tree" product - but these articles are way too non-timely. I am surprised that coach Holmberg would be satisfied with this arrangement. Allow me to speculate, and I'd suggest Mary just has old habits? We depend on the newspaper, right? Well in Mary's growing-up days that was certainly a fact. 
I would hope Mary wants to see timely game reports somewhere utilizing the world wide web. The Morris librarian has told me "I never see kids with the newspapers." Don't get ink on your fingers. I'm an old person so I did look at the Morris paper at the library Tuesday. 
I could not find the annual special supplement honoring the MAHS graduating class. Wouldn't this be the week that it came out? I can't rule out that a section of the paper would disappear from the library. That has been known to happen. I'll ask around on this. I saw the Hancock special section on the grads yesterday, so congrats Hancock. 
I covered the Hancock graduation many, many years for the Morris fishwrap. I could have cried the last year I was there, 2006. I couldn't understand why it had to come to an end. 
What about buses?
I saw the letter to the editor from Ted Storck in this week's fishwrap. School buses? I have long felt that families should have incentive to transport their own kids to and from school if they can. The families can accommodate their kids' exact schedule this way. In extracurricular? No problem. 
A major reason I disapprove of Wednesday as "church night" - i.e. no school activities - is that the Christian faith in America has taken on such a political tone. Let's say a major swath of it has. And Christianity has done so much to lift up Donald Trump who I consider to be a total mob boss criminal type with zero moral compass. He promotes himself and his own survival, period. 
I can see this but evidently I am in the minority, maybe a small minority. The Christian faith is going to have to answer for this blot on our culture and values. The end just never comes. Trump may destroy our very nation as we've known it. 
So let's get school activities on the calendar for Wednesdays please. It's especially important now that we have new activities like girls wrestling and boys soccer. 
Will our new MAHS athletic director be the soccer coach? Scott Turnbull, formerly soccer coach for UMM? And my, have you heard the reports swirling all around about how much more Blake Karas is being paid at 'Waska over Morris? Is it really $40,000 more? Is it? Didn't 'Waska have two failed school referendums? 
Here's my reaction: We'll have a new girls basketball coach next year in Justin Daly and if he can inject some real excitement to that program, get us to win 2-3 games in post-season, well then I couldn't care less how much the AD is paid. I think our GBB team of this past season had greater potential than what it showed, what with a player like Kaylee Harstad on the roster. 
I hope our new boys soccer program will be like a death knell for football. I will not even listen to arguments from those who continue to back football as a sport. There are no longer "two sides" on that. Whatever benefits football has as an organized activity, those benefits can be duplicated in many other activities. 
The sun is out today. Hallelujah!
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com 

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