"You'll never get ahead if you don't take care of what you have." - Doris Waddell, RIP

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn
Click on the image to read Williams family reflections w/ emphasis on UMM.

Monday, June 10, 2024

If you think CGB was awesome, you're "Wright"

High school sports subsides and then we get the lazy days of summer. The laziness of summer is just now starting to be felt in Wolverine country to the west. That's the moniker for the Clinton-Graceville-Beardsley school. The softball program there really took it to the limit in '24. It doesn't get any more exciting or energizing than this: playing in the very last game of the tournament: that would be the state championship game. 
And that's exactly what those Wolverines did. My blog post on the title game is on my companion blog "Morris of Course." I am pleased to have published this on Saturday. Timeliness is nice, all things being equal of course. 
Looks like we'll have to wait on the "Northern Star" newspaper, as it does not come out until Thursday. And it appears it does not have a website. I'd really like to give them a nudge on this. It would be a polite nudge but also an urgent nudge. 
You may click on the link below to read my "Morris of Course" post about the CGB vs. New Ulm Cathedral Class 'A' state championship game. It has the headline "Boffo! CGB Wolverines No. 2 in state." Thanks so much. I have no financial incentive for doing this. I'm just a community journalist from way back. Ask Mark Torgerson. - BW.

Season unto itself
Wow! CGB  played the whopping total of eight games in the '24 post-season. Really a season unto itself, n'est-ce pas? The climb started with a game against Pelican Rapids. The site: Minnewaska Area. CGB showed flashes of what was to come with a 13-3 win. 
The site was 'Waska again for the second game that pitted the Wolverines against West Central Area. A 4-2 victory. 
Moving on, it was time for the most focused Wolverines to make Morris their home base for three games. All three would be against New York Mills. These games wrapped up the month of May. I happened to walk past the "softball complex" in Morris during one of the games, might have stuck around if admission wasn't charged. Of course you can still see pretty good standing out by Prairie Lane. 
Of course the Morris facility does not have real seating accommodations for fans. That's the darndest thing. The actual bleacher seating behind home plate is almost negligible. Off to the sides you do not have a full view of the playing field. Just thought I'd mention it. Shall I assume that the visiting teams always have their fans informed beforehand that they need to bring their own chairs? 
And even if you get seated outside of first and third bases, the view is not good. I have tested it. Fans have to look through the fence at an angle. You might squint. And the fence surrounding the field is too high to see over. The old UMM field at the same location had a shorter fence. Fans had great fun at the old UMM field, so I just don't get it. Wells Park in west Morris also has shorter fences. It's too bad a big occasion like the Section 6A tournament had to be in such a non-accommodating place. 
Are people suggesting alternative locations to Morris? I'm curious. 
CGB won two games and lost one against New York Mills. You might remember that New York Mills produced the basketball player who was the big early pioneer for female prep hoops: Janet Karvonen. Does New York Mills still host that "think-off" event for intellectuals and philosophers? If I remember correctly, the question one year was "does sex always have consequences?" Man, what a question to be presented for Donald J. Trump. I personally think the answer to the question is "yes." But I am the soul of caution. 
The big showcase
Incredible excitement at state for those Wolverines. Now the site is Mankato or actually North Mankato. I was there one year for the tournament when Morris was in it. Definitely good fan seating accommodations as I recall. How could this ever be overlooked? 
CGB played an incredibly thrilling game against Red Lake Falls which I have already reviewed on this "I Love Morris" blog site. Incredible comeback, 9-7 win. Whew! 
Next was the game against West Lutheran. Now we're into the private schools. That's how it is in state. Can the regular outstate public schools hold their own? Why yes! CGB defeated West Lutheran 8-2. 
Here's a noteworthy aspect of the West Lutheran game for yours truly: game review information is on the "Minnesota Softball Hub" reporting system. Appears this is a service presented by the Star Tribune. Most of these "Hub" sites for the various sports sit dormant. They require cooperation by a coach or other responsible party. Sometimes it happens but rarely. Maybe someone got off the shnide because they know the "Northern Star" newspaper was not going to be very timely or responsive. Things are still a little slow there in Petticoat Junction, I guess. Doesn't have to be that way. 
So I'm pleased as punch to be able to report details on the West Lutheran game, thanks to the "Hub." CGB gained a 1-0 lead after three innings. Both teams' offenses picked up in the fifth, CGB with three runs and West Lutheran with two. But the key inning was the sixth: a big four-run rally by the Wolverines. West Lutheran had zero runs in that frame. Add 'em all up and it's an 8-2 win. 
CGB scored its eight runs on nine hits and had two errors. The West Lutheran line score: 2-5-4. State semis success was sweet!
Pitching is so important in prep softball. So let's acknowledge the game's winning pitcher: Jordan Wright with the full seven innings, six strikeouts, two walks, five hits, two runs. The losing pitcher was Eleanor Rolf. Wolverines with stolen bases were Dru Stotesbery, Macy Anderson and Makaya Hennessy.
Let's move on to the hitting department where we see Addison Ward going two-for-four with two runs scored. Hannah Gary went two-for-three with a run scored and a whopping five RBIs. Hennessy had a hit and a walk received, a run scored and an RBI. Parker Stotesbery had a hit and she crossed home plate once. Chloe Cardwell drew a walk. Dru Stotesbery scored two runs and Ellen Anderson scored one. 
Jordan Wright complemented her pitching with productive hitting: a three-for-four line and two ribbies. A showcase game for Jordan to be sure. And two of her hits were doubles. Hannah Gary and Addison Ward each had a double. 
Hannah Gary's bat made noise with a home run!
Sports and media
How important is timely reporting for the media in our year of 2024? Can the old "Petticoat Junction" standards be countenanced any more? I mean, wait until the Thursday "Northern Star" newspaper comes out? Just once a week? In those past times, options were limited. Today there are no boundaries. Here's an email I received from my Bonanza Valley newspaper friend this morning:
Hello Brian, the Minnesota Newspaper Association sends weekly updates to newspaper publishers. In the latest update, they included a column from some big wig from a rural journalism advocacy group.
In a very diplomatic way, he gives a stern lecture to publishers that breaking news needs to get online - right away. Not "later in the day" or "the next day" but rather RIGHT AWAY after it happens.
In a nutshell, once the big details can be confirmed, big things need to get on your small town newspaper website right away. It needs to happen within hours at the very most.
It could be a VIP dying, an accident, something Mother Nature unleashes on the community, etc...he really nailed all the necessary points.
Dig into it and see what you can glean from what he says. I'm sure you've got your own thoughts on the matter you can add. If a newspaper does not adapt and utilize a website (or sports blog which is my main online gig) then they are just going to become more obsolete.
The Class 'A' state tournament All-Tournament Team includes Jordan Wright and Hannah Gary. The photo is from MSHSL website.
Remembering Section 6A
The "Northern Star" newspaper is old-fashioned in more ways than one. I consulted this paper at our Morris Public Library after the 6A playoffs. The paper sometimes refers to their team as the "Lady Wolverines." I know there was a time when such a reference with "lady" was considered totally politically incorrect. I don't know, maybe people have lightened up and maybe it's OK or benign now. 
My opinion? That's not important. Although, I think just saying "Wolverines" suffices totally. 
Let's take a look at the Friday, May 31 action. CGB split vs. the New York Mills Eagles on May 31. The loss was by an 8-5 score. Grace Cardwell had two hits, a stolen base and a run scored. Macy Anderson had a hit, a run and an RBI. Parker Stotesbery came through with a stolen base, a run scored and an RBI. Chloe Cardwell added a hit and an RBI to the mix. 
Jordan Wright's bat produced a hit. Addison Ward and Dru Stotesbery each scored a run. Jordan Wright did not fare so well pitching in this game. She took the loss in her full seven innings, striking out four. 
Topping 6A
The 6A trail climaxed for CGB with their 5-1 win before the fans in Morris. Jordan Wright was a hitting machine as she produced four hits. She complemented that with three RBIs and a run scored. Hannah Gary had two hits and a run. Sadie Wright had a hit and two ribbies. Addison Ward, Chloe Cardwell and Makaya Hennessy each had a hit and a run. 
Sadie Wright pitched in this one and fanned six in her seven innings in the circle. She walked three and gave up five hits and one run. Only once did a CGB batter go down on strikes.

The May 28 game: The Wolverines won 5-2 in this first contest vs. the NY Mills Eagles. CGB used a four-run first inning rally to seize the momentum. 
Sadie Wright was a hitting leader with three hits and three RBIs. Jordan Wright had two hits, a stolen base and an RBI. Hannah Gary delivered a hit and crossed home plate twice. Addison Ward had a hit and a run. Dru Stotesbery stole a base and scored a run. Chloe Cardwell and Macy Anderson each had a hit, and Makaya Hennessy scored a run. 
In the pitching spotlight: Jordan Wright with five strikeouts in her full seven innings. She fanned five batters and walked three. She gave up seven hits and the two runs.
A YouTube highlight
A key Jordan Wright RBI bunt is captured on YouTube! This post is on the Neighborhood Sports network. Please watch::

- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

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