"You'll never get ahead if you don't take care of what you have." - Doris Waddell, RIP

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn
Click on the image to read Williams family reflections w/ emphasis on UMM.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Tapping Dylan Thomas for cogent reaction

The phrase "rage, rage against the dying of the light" emerged in my head this morning. It's borne of exasperation of course. You might think a state of exasperation is nothing unusual when mulling over political thoughts. I assure you I once studied the conservative political philosophy and do appreciate it, when it's directed properly. 
I have heard Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC refer to "conservatives, who play an important role in our political system." His reputation is left of center, reflecting his network's. And of course O'Donnell is correct. 
I studied conservatism in a contemplative way after completing college in the 1970s when liberalism could be quite force-fed. As it was from our major state newspaper, the Star Tribune, at that time. The paper was probably just called the "Tribune" then. Remember the afternoon "Minneapolis Star?" The Star was much more feature-oriented. I remember when the papers merged, the late Don Fraser expressed the hope that the new entity would not be like the Star. Retrenchment was barely beginning in the newspaper world. 
Today it's a whole new media world where people who call themselves "conservative" have really found their oats. They cannot get enough of their wealth of power, their ability to connect with a substantial element within the American public that just eats this stuff up. They thump their chest about the mere primacy they have found. They thump their chest about how they can always put "progressives" on the defensive. 
Their argument is basically such an easy one: we don't want government, we don't really want to be taxed, never mind it's the common people i.e. working people who steadily take on a disproportionate share of tax obligations. We have to let the filthy rich get away with what they do. 
We elected Ronald Reagan based on trickle-down. There definitely was some merit to that. But this crowd has "turned it up to eleven" now, to invoke "Spinal Tap." And it's because they have such a ready audience. 
The real issues affecting us are lurking in the background. Those issues will not be "CRT" or other such culture wars stuff. That's just making noise. The real operators in politics know how they can get votes. They intone on CRT and related subjects, the kind floated out by conservative media all the time.
"The mainstream media" is a term that has faded from even having a general meaning. The truth about the mainstream media, if we can even agree on what it is, is that it is not really "liberal" at all. I have friends who will guffaw at that. They would guffaw at any suggestion that Hillary Clinton has ever had anything good to offer society. Of course she has. What would motivate her to pursue politics all her life? 
Well, what motivates Donald Trump? And here I recall the Dylan Thomas phrase again: "Rage, rage against the dying of the light." My point being: Is it vain or a waste of time to keep trying to ring this firebell in the night about Donald Trump? I am a journalist with my own ends like all other writers, even though I strive to communicate constructive things. Trump has given us people such "great material." I am resolving to no longer find intellectual succor in that. 
To put it more bluntly: it seems a vain cause. We live in Morris MN where the "red" political crowd and its many "conservative" churches have substantial reach. They are uninhibited. It's nigh impossible to argue with these people. 
Maybe they'd suggest I'm intransigent too? But I have studied the conservative philosophy. I respect it. True conservatives believe in moderation and civility. Conservatives who I remember from my childhood might have been uncomfortable around the word "damn." Today these people drop the F-bomb all over the place.
The right wingers of today should have been rejoicing at the Texas abortion law ruling. They are pro-life, aren't they? Well, it's rhetoric that works for them. 
They have stripped off their clothing and we now see them for what they are. Asked to react to the ruling, people like Trump himself are less than rejoicing, instead offering up vapid comments about how "it was narrow and procedural." Realistically, it was a highly meaningful step toward what the pro-lifers say they want. It clearly suggests a further eroding of what many of us would call "women's reproductive health rights." 
So why aren't Trump and his ilk high-fiving it? Why not be celebratory? We all know what they are thinking: a return of abortion bans would bring back the dark ages and might cause a shift in public sentiment away from the rigid red state stance, i.e. more people would consider voting for Democrats. 
Especially women? Women who feel more threatened by some current trends than what they are openly saying? Men are loud and caustic. Women are more like quiet nurturers - women are far more common sense, and when their concerns become truly underscored, well the red staters might either learn humility - little chance of that - or be backed into a corner. To eat crow. 
So I state that the mainstream media is not liberal as accused, but here's the problem: the media is profoundly scared of being accused of being liberal. Yes, prone to being inhibited. 
The red staters are capable of applying such a scythe in public debate, never mind that so much of it is just diversion. Preach about "morality" and win sympathy while behind everyone's back, just make sure the rich keep getting richer and getting more tax breaks. People like T. Denny Sanford. And, you know how that name has gotten tainted of late. I will not remind you. 
He can get the best attorney of course. The attorney is the guy who says he's running for AG of South Dakota, hoping to replace the guy who ran over and killed a guy on the side of a highway at night. The incumbent also had the best legal resources and savvy. 
As for T. Denny, just consider the kind of pictures he allegedly likes looking at on his online devices. 
Meanwhile "the Donald" has mastered the tactic of endless "lawsuits" to avoid accountability. It's in the news daily. If I get a seat belt ticket, I cannot "file suit" to just make the whole thing disappear into a fog. 
But shall I keep writing on these matters? Should I even care that it makes "good copy" anymore? 
"Rage, rage against the dying of the light." The quote applies to those facing an uncertain fate that lies before them, and in my eyes, it's America of 2021, Trump ever on the fringe with mendacity, stupidity, vanity and cruelty.
Is there any point in confronting all this? It's starting to feel like running on a treadmill.
How has Trump reacted to the death of the great American general, Colin Powell? Show reverence to the dead, a Christian trait? The "evangelical Chrsistians" have given us Donald Trump. Is it time to walk away from Christianity in America? We will never reject Christ himself.
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

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