"You'll never get ahead if you don't take care of what you have." - Doris Waddell, RIP

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn
Click on the image to read Williams family reflections w/ emphasis on UMM.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Even the Electoral Count Act is contentious

Oh why not? Why not a fight over the Electoral Count Act? We learn this morning that "a battle is brewing" among Republicans. You have to follow the bouncing ball and sing along, I guess. Seems almost like "Groundhog Day" now with news cycles following one after another, with Republicans behaving nothing like the Republicans I remember from my youth and younger adult years. How many years back am I talking about? Let's not get into that. 
I will again state that on many mornings as I peruse headlines for news and commentary, I am wondering if I'm like the character in the "Twilight Zone" episode, as it dawns on him that he's the only normal person left amidst a sea of deluded or insane folks. So now the Republicans want to federalize elections. Enough apparently do, so we will see a "fight." 
An upshot of that is more fighting that will allow familiar faces to get on the media news shows. It's a must for these people, in their own minds, to keep their profile high. A high profile conforms with human vanity plus the need to get a few extra campaign dollars from gullible, pathetic supporters, those folks from the "Twilight Zone." 
So, why not a fight over the Electoral Count Act? Something I would actually come to expect. 
So let's roll through another news cycle and see Ted Cruz, the worst, display histrionics. Or Marjorie Taylor Greene who we learn this morning is being divorced by her husband. Someday I feel we'll learn that M.T. Greene is smarter than she has let on. She had to testify not long ago to protect herself from literal insurrection charges - she struck me as not stupid at all. But then she'll say something like "peach tree dishes" instead of "petri dishes." Chris Hayes of MSNBC wondered "is she doing this deliberately?" 
If so, it of course is anti-intellectualism on steroids. And a significant portion of the public buys into it. 
I remember in the 2020 election campaign, a local Apostolic driving around with "Trump" flags flying from in back of pickup. There is often a pickup parked at DeToy's Restaurant with a literal profile of Trump painted onto the side. For a while I had my little "Kamala" sticker on back of my vehicle, then I decided it was best to cover it up. I did the job with some gray tape. I did not want to risk having my vehicle vandalized. 
I am frustrated by the local Apostolics because on a personal level, I have always found them to be very likable. If you grew up non-Apostolic, you always heard stories about them. Sinful to watch TV. I'll bet they had to accept computers though, because their drive in business would be shattered without them. So while I like the local Apostolics in many ways, they frustrate me because I think they latch onto someone like Trump in too reflexive a fashion. 
I could understand this with Ronald Reagan and not point fingers too much. Reagan was a class act and a gentleman. He understood you can't get your way all the time on everything. He had been active with a union once. He reflected true conservatism. I have never had much of a problem with conservatism as a philosophy. But along comes a grifter and con man like Donald Trump and he sees the mass of guppies across the USA who will just buy what he is selling. 
And it worked in 2016, thanks to the electoral college. Is it really wise to cheapen the votes of so many people because they live in the more populous states? Something about that makes them stupid? 
The stupid ones are actually on the other side, you knaves. It is taking us forever to wake up from this - perhaps we never will. Or maybe the USA as we've known it will just come crashing down. We are closer to that scenario that you might think. Hyper-inflation is what drew Germany into a hell hole in the mid-20th Century. 
At present in America, we have this thing called the Federal Reserve which is under enormous pressure to prevent a stock market crash. No one roots for a market crash but what about the other side of the coin? Hyper-inflation? Caused by "the Fed" coming under such tremendous pressure from the beast known as the "financial news media?" The financial news media is underwritten by interests whose scope is narrow. 
If the well-off people of this country, like so many of the Apostolics, stand idly by while the big city folks and poor people in general get hammered by our economic circumstances, do you know what might happen? When desperation spreads and people look for answers, they won't just be more inclined to vote for Democratic politicians. History shows us that drastic things can happen, violent things. 
I am not encouraging that, I'm just saying we must practice prudence based on history. We must open the door and let some left wing ideas through now and then. The Apostolics and others like them would scoff at that. 
Thom Hartman talks about when "people will rise up with pitchforks." Well, should give you pause. 
We need to hope and pray the worst scenario will not come about. The German people are not stupid. But they got sucked into a hell hole many years ago. And they were told they were winning right up to the end. Just like our "financial news media" of today will obfuscate to try to argue that quantitative easing needs to go on forever. Yes, until a loaf of bread at the grocery store goes up to $30. Inflation is happening. 
Here's an email I sent to a friend yesterday, Wednesday. Let's all say a prayer, but I do not pray to the same God as Ted Cruz.
I occasionally get a large Hershey bar and Mountain Dew at Willie's as late afternoon snack, often in place of supper. I have gotten used to cost of 5.07 and so I bring exact amount. I always have some extra in case price goes up, because we can expect that anywhere now. So today the cost is $5.28. The McDonald's prices steadily go up. I pay attention to these things. How much longer can public absorb this before we see real changes in behavior? What if Stone's Throw has to raise prices even more? Can Prairie Inn open their old dining place?
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

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