"You'll never get ahead if you don't take care of what you have." - Doris Waddell, RIP

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn
Click on the image to read Williams family reflections w/ emphasis on UMM.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

We are lost in a sea of irrationality

No man is an island. A nice throwaway line that we might think carries weight. A person who insists on criticizing the "Orange Jesus" might well feel like me, trying to survive out here in the Seventh Congressional District of Minnesota. When you try asking questions of our congressperson, one consequence is that you'll be put on her email list and you'll get her dispatches about the need to look into impeaching Joe Biden. 
I try to do what I can out here in rural America trying to be reasonable, trying to use basic logic and rationale while everyone around me comes off like the AM talk radio crowd. 
Obviously I should not be writing what I am writing here. But it's too late to try to protect myself on this. Long ago I began writing skeptically about the Orange Jesus. I had to put up with seeing the local Apostolic Christians drive their pickups with Trump flags flapping from in back, or having a nice big Trump flag in the front yard on its own flagpole. They reflect so many other factions but I am especially disappointed in them. They are such hard-working successful business people. 
Stormy Daniels
But we continue to be lost in this sea of irrationality. We're on the doorstep of this whole trial that will focus on the Stormy Daniels thing. Not just "the other woman" but a literal porn star. Imagine if a case like this involving a national leader had happened 30 or 40 years ago. It at least would have been considered tawdry. So tawdry, we would have wanted to push the public figure off the national stage, to spare ourselves the discomfort of the whole subject. 
But today it's a "Tuesday in America" in which everyone has become zombie-like in allegiance to the Orange Jesus. Only a few "survivors" like myself scattered around who just refuse to go along with it. And yes I'll be teased and insulted. That, or people will say I'm so irrelevant I don't deserve to be listened to. Maybe someday people like me will be forced into mental health treatment because of our refusal to acquiesce. Let's consider the term "re-education camps." 
I'm at a crossroads in my life on this Tuesday morning. My church of the "liberal" ELCA, a denomination that has been absolutely thrown on its heels, revealed a huge sign of capitulation recently. We are going to an 11 .m. service time and will be "parasitic" off other churches. We'll "borrow" other pastors, who for some reason are going along with this. Shall I assume they'll get paid for their troubles? 
Why are the other churches going along with this? I mean like Faith Lutheran, which is showing all the signs of being the "winner" in the comparison with First Lutheran. I write more on Faith Lutheran's current good times on my "Morris of Course" blog site. Congrats to them. I invite you to read:
I wrote out a check to First Lutheran Church in December because I was trying to keep the faith. What lousy judgment I have, I guess. We had a visiting person from "Pulpit Supply" on Sunday who didn't even stick around to shake hands and chat with people in the narthex afterwards. Everything is going to hell. 
MAGA has taken over Stevens County. The only really accepted Christian churches appear to be those with the LCMC. That's the denomination that really started to blossom with the gay rights issue. 
I care hardly at all about gay rights. I believe as a matter of good sense that gays deserve equal rights. There, now that that matter is taken care of, shall we move on to the uplifting principles in the gospel and overall Christianity? Shouldn't all that count for something still? Instead of the "Orange Jesus" or gay rights? 
Just talk about good uplifting principles and the gospel of Jesus Christ, who of course could sound like Bernie Sanders with a lot of what he said. And yet all the MAGA people still at least pretend to admire Jesus, all the charming older people who really do rely on Social Security and Medicare while condemning "big government." Like I said, they are zombies. And they absolutely predominate in Stevens County, in the Seventh Congressional District. 
Contact Michelle Fischbach and you'll hear about efforts to impeach Joe Biden. I don't really care all that much about Biden but I care about the continued strength and momentum of the Orange Jesus. But what good does that do? It does no good. 
If I stop blogging, someone might have law enforcement do a welfare check on me. So I should continue writing at least occasionally. 
No man is an island? Well I sure feel like one, for a number of reasons. I share more in an email I sent to a friend this morning. I'll share it here with maybe one or two tidbits deleted to "protect the innocent." You know what I mean.
I am starting to withdraw a little. You can say what you want about my blogging being futile, but it engages my mind and gives me some sense of purpose. The problem now is that I am almost completely cut off from Tiger sports info. I'm just now starting to realize how empty this makes me feel. 

I had a "re-lapse" yesterday and ate/drank some things I should not have. I feel fine right now, totally, but I have to put my foot down again. I went to McDonald's because I was picking up car after oil change at Heartland, and I felt ripped off by the meal. French fries were sub-par and McDonald's cannot afford to put out mediocre orders, not with the way prices have shot up there. Nothing like the old days at all. McDonald's used to be such a relaxed place with a full lobby so often. So different now. 

I have told Randy Olson that my writing will be slowing down now. I depended on Tiger sports to stay engaged not only with writing but with life, but that's basically gone now. I have to adjust.

I am an outcast, really truly, because people all around me root for Donald Trump so much. It is not a laughing matter any more, but there's no point in me trying to fight it. All the Apostolics will be rooting for Trump. This is a more grave matter as time goes on. And people HATE any and all prosecutors and judges involved in these matters. Our legal system could break down and die. I cannot fight it. I am just one person. Turn on AM radio and you hear pro-Trump talk constantly. 
The thing that may literally kill the U.S. may not be Trump or Biden, it will be the Federal Reserve and its easy/free money policies. We are like the "boiling frog" with how we deal with inflation. I remember people screaming complaints when we raised the price of the paper from 50 to 75 cents.

First Lutheran Church
And now I'm getting to the subject of church. Of course no one will give a damn if I stop going. But I keep going to stay somewhat sociable with the outside world. And now I may lose that. I wrote out a check to church in December but I should have written it out to Faith Lutheran. Shortly after I wrote the check I learned that First Lutheran is "surrendering" and will have the new service time as a means of capitulating. So to heck with that. I am also bothered by the fact that Dave Clark on Sunday just "split" at the end of the service and did not stay in narthex to shake a few hands with people and chat. It was just a "gig" to him. Well he can go to hell. And I can just stay at home. But I can't stand AM radio any more. I am not a Hitler supporter.

So, I just don't know what is going to happen. Now we'll get headlines daily about the Trump/Stormy Daniels thing as it goes to trial: "hush money." And Trump supporters just think it's funny, or they are mad at the court system picking on their guy.

My ties with UMM kept me going for a while, and then they hired Sue Dieter. Everything is gone.

Being on maximum dose of Metformin for about ten months was a hugely risky time in my life. I think I survived it OK but it could have been a disaster. Just 24 hours after I stopped, I was 100 percent back to normal. Medical office has still not written me. My phone is disconnected. I got tired of constant phone calls from these outfits trying to sell Medicare supplement insurance. It is a plague on older Americans. Bernie Sanders is right, the gov't should just try to do a little more. And you can't tell me a lot of older people don't get fooled by the calls, thinking they are from Medicare. I'm sure it happens all the time. Life can be like a minefield.

Get a new car? One minute I hear you "have" to buy electric, then I read about how they don't start in cold weather, and now I read that the gov't is continuing to try to prohibit the gas-powered cars. So it's a no-win all the way around. So I have to prepare for living without driving.

- BW

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