"You'll never get ahead if you don't take care of what you have." - Doris Waddell, RIP

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn
Click on the image to read Williams family reflections w/ emphasis on UMM.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Morris public school teachers belligerent

What a shocker Wednesday night as I relaxed at our public library, consumed some news. You just never know what will happen in our world. We are willing to consume the most embarrassing headlines about Donald Trump day after day, and yet he has a very good chance, it appears, of gaining the presidency again. The news rolls on. 
But on Wednesday night I was subjected to a "shocker" at the micro level here in Morris. And here I thought this whole community was on the same page about feeling so warm and positive about our public school. No referendum ever fails here. We seem to trust the school board on all funding matters, even in connection to the "softball complex." The City of Morris did a reversal on its stance regarding that, at a certain point having to issue "no" as a response to a request for more funding. 
So, a tip of the hat to our City of Morris, at least on this one matter, based on showing just a wee bit of well-advised restraint. The "complex" is far below what we expected it to be, based on the hyperbolic (obviously) initial pronouncements. The row of people with the shovels photographed for the "groundbreaking." The accommodations for fans there are woefully limited. Bring your own chair, place it on mud or out by the outfield fence (mud there too most likely) and squint to see something. It's rude to the out-of-town fans like for the sub-section games. 
But let's move on in our assessment of community mood at this time. Oh my, all is not tranquil with our public school in Morris. In the old days when I was with the Morris newspaper, I would have seen all of this coming, all of this bubbling up. Today? "Mongo just pawn in game of life." (That's a movie reference.) 
So I'm sitting at our public library where Anne does such a good job being in charge. I still miss Melissa but that's another story. So many stories, so little time. I grab the current Morris fishwrap. It's the "Stevens County Times." Far, far less product than when I made my rounds for the paper. 
There have been hints lately that our public school teachers have been getting a little, well, restless. I even wrote about this some, my feeling being that the purpose of our school board meetings should be to discuss what the school is doing for the kids, not what the school is doing for the teachers. 
I am not naive and I have been around this kind of issue from rather long ago. There was an eruption of controversy - real controversy I assure you - in the late 1980s but it wasn't about money, at least not directly. Maybe indirectly it was. The school employees are so hard to satisfy. So like crime, death and taxes, this never changes. 
Unsettled mood?
In the late 1980s the most visible issue was co-curricular, its performance and the philosophy behind it, the philosophy pushed by various school employees. The public appeared to decide "we should be doing better than we are even without spending more money." People rose up even amidst fears that their business and professional lives were at risk. 
Was it successful? I would say in the long term yes, maybe not so much in the short term. That's the way change has to happen sometimes. 
Standard form
You'll always find a certain element in the community that supports the teachers even when their stance becomes unpleasant and confrontational. I learned in the 1980s that there was a class of people who got their salaries from the government - U of M Extension people for example - who were inclined to go along with the belligerent teachers. 
Even when talk circulated of business boycotts promoted by the teachers (i.e. a considerable faction of the teachers), the "intelligentsia" as I called it would be beside them. Now in the year 2024, I sense that faction is not as powerful in this community. I think there has been a lot of "conservative" pushback. 
Conservatives of today have really gotten "into the driver's seat." They had better be careful how they use this power over the long term. Can they finally show some skepticism about the "Orange Jesus" Donald Trump, now as the porn star matter is about to come at us from a courtroom? Are y'all prepared to share about this with your children? Can't y'all pick a national leader with a little more character and then sell him as a "conservative" leader espousing "conservative" principles? 
I actually support a lot of those principles. I do not respect Trump and the people around him. So on Wednesday night before going to the Lent service at Faith Lutheran, I study front page of Morris paper and learn that Morris teachers are just incredibly rocking the boat now. I didn't think things could ever get worse than in the 1980s. But my, look at the language used by this guy last name of Pope. It was eye-popping to read those quotes. Eye-popping I tell you. 
Is our school board really "threatening" the teachers? If so, that is unacceptable. I'm prepared now to say it's hyperbole. But what if it isn't? What side do I take? I never side with the teachers. I have been around this element for most of my life. Their persecution complex never ends. I have seen them try to use their union-supported power to hurt people and businesses around the community for the most parochial of ends. 
I was just shocked Wednesday evening to see that this is all bubbling up again in the year 2024. The teachers shouldn't point fingers. I think we have an issue with an underperforming girls basketball program. And when you make a comment like that, be prepared for slings and arrows to be directed at you. My God, those people can be mean. 
Review the language used by the teachers in this week's Morris fishwrap. Just look at it right there in black and white. When a union is involved, you get into attitudes like this. Remember that unions are all about power, and that's all there is to it. Power is the only language those people understand.
Under siege from their own employees? Be careful guys because the teachers do have power, maybe not as much as they once did, but it can be palpable. The photo shows our Morris Area board of education. I don't think these people are Neanderthals.
Addendum: I was in Morris in the 1960s so I'm especially amazed how school referendums never fail these days. You should know it was like pulling teeth to get a referendum through back then. A book could be written. Remember the school proposal that had the "pool?" You probably don't. Too long ago.
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

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