"You'll never get ahead if you don't take care of what you have." - Doris Waddell, RIP

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn
Click on the image to read Williams family reflections w/ emphasis on UMM.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Wellspring of joy, another of disaster

The spring of Caitlin Clark and the Trump trials or legal messes continues. One of these things has been totally joyous. We might thank God for this. It counterbalances the disturbing stuff. 
Oh I suppose I could throw in the bombshell Kristi Noem story. You probably know she's the governor of the bright red state to the west. Remember the saying promoted by "Andy's Pop Store?" "Johnson Minnesota where the pavement ends and the West begins!" 
Civilization might be a little sketchy out there. And be careful if you're walking along a roadside in our state to the west. Look at the horrible catastrophe of when the then-South Dakota attorney general was driving at night. Coming from a Republican fundraiser of course. (I initially wrote "GOP" instead of "Republican" but many people might not know what "GOP" is.) 
We're awfully close to South Dakota here in Morris. I cannot assume any level of refinement, certainly not among the men. The women bear our only hope for trying to avoid the existential dilemma of Trump actually getting back in power. 
I seriously think Noem's apparent tough sledding now only increases her chances of getting the VP selection. Trump's outrageous personal predicaments are not dropping his stock at all. Perhaps lifting his chances? I seriously think so. I was at DeToy's Restaurant at mid-morning today (Monday) and noticed the men holding forth in the middle section. We need women to turn out in force at the polls in November to counter the votes of these men. 
Women have lost the guarantee of  being able to make decisions to control their bodies, thanks to Trump and his three Supreme Court nominees. Brett Kavanaugh actually lied to Senator Susan Collins re. the "Roe" matter. We know what we are up against, all us sensible types who really want to weigh factual data and not just tune in to AM talk radio. I monitor radio out of personal curiosity. 
You can follow all the Trump legal news which will go on forever. Why are we seeing this phenomenon with this president and not others? Is it because a normal president sees himself as a public servant? So when a true public servant has something pointed out in his actions that was not according to Hoyle, he'd admit it and agree to remedial action. The motive is to serve the public. 
Otherwise get out of politics and go seek sexual satisfaction with the porn star and Playboy bunnies or whatever on your own private terms. You have the money so go do it. But what happened to Eliot Spitzer when he tried the very same thing? Wasn't he "busted?" 
Paying a woman to stay silent after a sexual tryst or simple "sex session" is the same as paying a woman to have sex. In the old days we'd use the term "prostitution." Has this term been shelved in the present day? Is it quaint to use? Can't sex just be transactional? Why not, if it's two consenting adults? Trump apparently thinks it's perfectly proper. 
Would it have really mattered if we had known about Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal leading up to the 2016 election? We did in fact know about "Access Hollywood." I guess that hurt Billy Bush, but nothing, absolutely nothing, hurts Trump. Just listen to talk radio. 
And now we'll see if Noem being a dog killer will hurt her. Or maybe even help her? In this age of Trump, we cannot rule out the latter. 
What about Trump and his autocratic aims? It's out there in full view.
I quote from an email I sent to a friend this morning:
Very seriously, if Trump takes over the Federal Reserve as reports indicate he wants to do, it is all over for this country. It will disintegrate. We will start seeing factions or mob rule taking over here and there. Law enforcement will devolve totally. It'll be like every man for himself. The Fed is a very delicate institution and Americans generally do not understand that. And Trump's supporters just want to let him do anything he wants. They won't question him on anything. The more trouble he gets in, the more they support him. The fact that Kristi Noem is in so much trouble for shooting her dog just raises the odds of her being the VP choice, seriously.
The middle section at DeToy's was filled at mid-morning today, all those guys who are in the category of total Trump supporters. Really I think it's just a macho thing for them. You're a "wuss" if you support Biden and even worse if you like Kamala. Of course Kamala is not a terrible person at all. Newt Gingirich says her laugh is a disqualifier. Really?
Know what's at stake
Here is a comment I posted to a Yahoo! News article this morning:
The only Trump news that interests me on this Monday morning is follow-up on his intentions to make decisions for the Federal Reserve, (wink) with interest rates. Odds appear good of Trump winning and then of essentially taking over the Fed, and I hate typing "essentially." Trump wants power. The reason the Fed is independent is that sometimes it has to make decisions that are bad in the short term but good in the long term.
"Jack" responded:
He won't win, people will flock to the polls to shut him out.

"Ron" echoed this:
It’s a moot point! Trump will never win the general election! He will get beat like a red-headed stepchild!
"Warren" responded:
The only news I am interested in hearing this Monday morning is that Karma has finally visited "Dump" once and for all.
"James" was skeptical toward me:
Not a lot of critical thinking going on here. You know they could use some volunteers in the Ukraine.
"Bonnie" offered a response:
Since he can't do that, would be interesting, but he does want to destroy the country, did a good job, million dead from covid, a virus he admitted was deadly and downplayed, more people out of work since the '30s, 8 trillion in debt, telling people to inject bleach, treason, a tariff war that cost us billions, trashed our allies, wrote love letters to our foe.

"Steven" responded:
Housing is just NOW starting to soften because of the interest rates. The FED will manage it. It's POOR management like Trump did, that started all of this in the first place. Trust smart people. Distrust elementary minds like Trump's.
Jerome Powell
"Ted" responded:
Trump replaced Janet Yellen as Fed Chair with Jerome Powell in 2018. Read about it. He said Powell was the "man for the job and will do great things to boost the economy." Now Trump wants to get rid of Powell.

"Dickie D" responded:
You realize the Federal Reserve is private. Those families will not let Trump anywhere near their operation, unless it makes them money, but stability is more important to them.
Kristi with the pretty face?
Here's a comment I posted to Yahoo! News about Kristi Noem before the dog incident got out there.

Is her biggest strength this commonly-heard perception that she's "good-looking?" It's not me saying that, I'm citing the "meme" or whatever. So a fair number of people must subscribe to it. Standards on judging women by this yardstick evolve. It is no longer so important to be "thin." Noem is quite thin of course. Then again, we could simply throw out the yardstick. IMHO the governor looks a little anemic.
Kristi Noem (facebook)
"Isk8ill" responded:
She's a 50 year old having a tough time accepting that she's 50.... Half the women in their 50's today struggle with this issue from what i can tell. Then when they don't have makeup on, they look like a 21 year old aging lizard. Its weird. They look weird.

"YasGoddess" responded:
Both times I voted at the civic center and Kristi Lynn was on the ballot, the overwhelmingly male crowd (I guess most women aren't allowed to vote here) unanimously agreed "she sure is a cutie!" Some of these highly evolved beings audibly described what they'd like the Snow Queen of Aberdeen to do to them; the few women there just treated it as any other day in this enlightened state.
"Riley1981" responded:
It's all makeup and hair and dental work. Lipstick on a pig. She still looks like a man.
"Wild" responded:
Wonder if she is the orange racoons type? That is the only thing he judges women by. Gross.
"TurtleBlue" responded:
Yeah well. . .we know Donnie Bamboozle wants beauty near him to make him look better. Bhim bhos allowed.

"Chuck" responded:
Sounds like something a guy with a chubby wife would say.
"Philip" responded:
Tell us, since you are obviously against identity politics, why was Harris chosen as VP?

Oh my, here's "Todd":
IMHO you are the same two face hypocrite that you complain about!

The "hush money" trial
Here's another comment I posted to Yahoo! News this morning:

I think the media has adjusted its wording in one aspect of this case. I now see the term "sexual tryst" instead of "affair" (Trump with Ms. Clifford of course). Legal proceedings require precise definitions and "affair" has bothered me. At present I think "sexual tryst" still obscures too much. Can't we deduce what Trump was after? Same thing as with Eliot Spitzer? Didn't he get in trouble?
"Bosh" responded:
Trump used the proper wording when he said he could grab women by the kitty and get away with it because he was famous.
"Robert" responded:
Karen McDougal had a ten-month "affair" with Donnie and she is a part of this trial. As for "tryst," he definitely had one with his Trump tower maid (who had his child). . .
Thank you
And there's a million stories in the naked city.
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

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