"You'll never get ahead if you don't take care of what you have." - Doris Waddell, RIP

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn
Click on the image to read Williams family reflections w/ emphasis on UMM.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Hitler's generals were not all that loyal

Sometimes I get up in the morning thinking that things cannot get any stranger. They do, and somehow life goes on anyway, for now at least. "For now." 
If Donald Trump could get indicted for anything, anything at all, it would drop his stature way down. I predict that it would quiet and humble many of his supporters. You thought that wasn't possible? I pray that it can happen. 
Yes, I try to call myself a Christian even though I have always been a skeptic of this person named Donald Trump. Trump complained about the "deep state." I pray for what the deep state does. The deep state exists not necessarily to hold up everything that is virtuous and honorable, it exists literally to keep this country going, to keep it together. Would you really want it to fragment, all you red state people? Do you really want to withdraw? 
Could all you fat cat retirees, who are living so well now, keep on getting the same kind of benefits through government? So ironic that our older citizens appear to be the loudest complainers. 
There's a cottage industry in the media of simply coming forward with sensational headlines every day about the purely outrageous aspects of Trump's presidency and his cult-like followers. I see the phenomenon around our Stevens County a lot, have had friends drift away from me because of this. I feel isolated and with a growing fear about my future and even personal safety. 
Our little cottage industry spit out yesterday the news that Trump wanted his national security team to be loyal to him, "the way he thought German soldiers were loyal to Adolf Hitler." 
What gives, when so many around us in our placid Stevens County and a majority of its churches show fealty to Donald Trump? He's merely a man with the talent of a demagogue who got trained in the media and entertainment. 
(wikimedia commons)
I see the local Apostolic Christian guys sitting around on Sunday morning, and if I were to approach them with my thoughts, they'd smile with mere amusement at me. They lock out any rational thought on this. Don't a lot of these people have German blood? 
So Trump would want his generals to have loyalty like Hitler's generals? He has called one of his own generals, Mark Milley, a "fucking idiot." 
Can you imagine if a quote like this came from a president in an earlier time, like Ronald Reagan? Or if the news came out that Trump shopped around to have sex with his favorite pornstars or models, then tried paying them to keep it quiet? Can you imagine such news being dispensed in Ronald Reagan's time? 
But today the MAGA people here and elsewhere just have eyes glazed over. This includes a certain retired Morris schoolteacher who I know would have been revulsed and fainting maybe if someone like Trump had come along in the 1970s. 
What is so cotton pickin' different today? The nature of the media is certainly different. Does that explain it all? What kind of road is this "media" leading us down? But can't intelligent people show discretion? What were all these people taught in school? I'm sure I get called all sorts of names because of my views, but I am smart and well-educated enough to know that Hitler had many of his generals executed. I looked it up: it was 84! 
So much for the cohesive and loyal army. Trump asked his chief of staff John Kelly, "Why can't you be like the German generals?" Kelly asked for more specificity. "The German generals in World War II," Trump responded. 
Because I have some education, I can add this from my storehouse of knowledge: Hitler had problems with his own "Wermacht," the war-making machine. You do know there were three assassination attempts? So Hitler dealt with this with his Secret Service (SS). The SS was dispatched to extinguish dissent, and of course this was achieved with brutal means. Would Trump, if given the chance, establish his own SS? Would such a force come and visit me at my door? Based on all the revelations about this crazed man named Donald Trump, can you answer "no" to that? Of course not. 
Trump altered the Supreme Court to where women are now denied choice. Can't you see the real world consequences of electing someone like Trump? It goes beyond the entertainment value he projects on TV, to the amusement of so many. He had real political power. 
Of course he tried engineering a coup in January of 2021. And you all don't care? And you wouldn't care even if the consequences came to your own front door? Give Republicans power and they'll strip Medicare and Social Security. Look at Senator Ron Johnson's statements. Or worse, Rick Scott's. This is the path you all want to choose? 
I belong to an ELCA Lutheran church and we are in a losing battle. Increasingly we are a stigmatized, maybe even threatened minority. I am personally choosing not to attend church any more. 
Getting lighter
If y'all would like to see a picture of me being baptized at Central Lutheran Church of Minneapolis, 1955, it's with a post on my "Morris of Course" blog. I publish the photo to share a fond remembrance of my aunt Irene, who looks so radiant in photo. Bless her memory. Irene and Andy Williams were my sponsors for baptism. "Ike" Eisenhower was president then, with 100 percent more class than our most recent Republican president. To view the photo and my blog post, please click below.
Also on "Morris of Course," I have a post about the tragic and strange Apple River tubing incident in which an altercation grew that had a young person killed, others wounded. Here is a link to that post, and thanks:
Another "Morris of Course" post looks into the traffic accident in Indiana that took the lives of Congressperson Jackie Walorski and three others. Looks like distracted driving. We need more measures against distracted driving. The tragic end for the four reminded me of the ending of the 1974 movie "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry." You may click below to read, and thanks:
Any more I need add today? The investment of religious thought in Trump and MAGA is stupefying. Some among us seem to suggest that Trump may be greater than God, greater than Jesus, maybe greater than God and Jesus combined. It's hard for me to come up with words any more. I just have to plead "why can't you all just think for yourselves."  
How do you think Stormy Daniels or others brought Trump to ejaculation? Let's think about that. Try to get a visual.
Try to keep in mind about the Nazis: they were not Fascists, they were a death cult. Be careful about associating yourself with Nazi rhetoric or imagery, please. But my words may fall on deaf ears. I can plead to our Lord, that's all.
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

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