"You'll never get ahead if you don't take care of what you have." - Doris Waddell, RIP

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn
Click on the image to read Williams family reflections w/ emphasis on UMM.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Can you believe Liz Cheney in crosshairs?

Liz Cheney
Wasn't Liz Cheney all-in with the Iraq war thing, when the pro-war stance was conservative? When Toby Keith reinforced his conservative creds in country music by being pro-war? You might way "pro-invasion." Wasn't much of a defense from Iraq. But our intelligence officials said we must be gravely concerned about the Iraq leader's "weapons of mass destruction." 
I had to set my alarm to make sure I got to a newspaper obligation here in Morris. This was the send-off for our National Guard unit. Our what? Don't we have a dedicated professional military to fight wars? I remember the morning the buses headed out of town. I remember being deprived of decent photo opportunities until the end. I caught a bus going by as someone in the foreground held up a small American flag. Go get those Iraqis!
It did not end up being a pleasant venture. And it turned out there were no "weapons of mass destruction." George W. Bush, joined at the hip with the Cheneys, stretched to try to find justification. Eventually we got a report of some leftover conventional weapons from the Iran-Iraq war. So, one of the Republican big names of the time - Rick Santorum - thumped his chest and made the pronouncement "we've found them." No. These were conventional weapons. 
We had no business being over there. Iran and Iraq had a ceremonial exchanging of ashes at the end of their own war. Which shows: there was an underlying affinity between these countries. "About?" you might ask. Well, I'd have to point out that here in America, many of us hold back from condemning the old Confederacy of the Civil War. People who tend to be politically liberal would say the secession attempt was treasonous. 
Meanwhile, conservatives have held back and have been the leaders in saying that we should hold on to things like statues of Confederates and public institutions named for Confederate leaders. 
If the U.S. or the "Union" had to fight a bloody war with those folks, how on earth can we justify clinging to such stuff, like at least a part of us is proud of it? An example of one such person: Donald Trump. 
And at this point in my post today, certain of my acquaintances will immediately withdraw with a scoff and a dismissive smile. They'd say "there you go again talking about Trump." They'll trot out the boilerplate putdowns like "you have Trump derangement syndrome." Well, I do get kind of deranged about him, not in the context of any mental illness on my part, but because of anger and fear. And this has gone on so long. 
Liz Cheney is pertinent in the news right now because Trump, who could be described as our likely next president based on the polls, has called for Liz Cheney to be "prosecuted by a type of military court reserved for enemy combatants and war criminals." That's according to the New York Times. Her alleged offense would be "treason." Well, she certainly helped lead an effort to find out what all went on with January 6. 
How would this "military tribunal" mete out punishment? Such questions take on much greater weight given how the Supreme Court is emboldening Trump and MAGA. Imagine how the late Andy Papke would react to this. Civics teacher at our Morris Area High. Always believed in the basic goodness of America. I remember him having a picture of Gerald Ford on his bulletin board. Imagine comparing Ford with Trump. And Trump wants to see "televised" military tribunals. 
Trump has realized the sheer power of TV all along, even well before he "went down the escalator." He is right on that, on the sheer power of TV, even though our media world has become so much more diffuse. I don't have TV. I can watch all the popular cable TV news shows on a timely basis on YouTube. 
Trump a while back floated the idea of having General Mark Milley sentenced to death. I wonder if some of these people have had family meetings to prepare for the day when they're dead and gone. Find ways to help other family members simply survive in the aftermath. 
Michelle Fischbach
Our 7th District Congressperson Michelle Fischbach voted against certifying the election results in 2020. This was a more extreme position than that of Tom Emmer. She smiles so sweetly in photos of her. Would she welcome seeing Liz Cheney, Mark Milley, Mike Pence and many others "offed" by some means like the guillotine? On live TV? 
Fischbach would dismiss that idea if confronted. But what did she think was going to happen if election certification had in fact been "delayed" in 2021? I won't call Ms. Fischbach stupid. No point in going ad hominem. So I am certain that she is aware of a prime tactic of Trump's. That is delay. If the 2021 inauguration had been delayed, then I think we can assume Trump would continue as president indefinitely. Which would have been the whole road map. 
Don't act incredulous with me, Ms. Fischbach, you know all of that was a means to establish autocracy in America. Now you really wouldn't deny that, would you? Don't insult our intelligence - I won't insult yours. So I assume you know what's going on. And even if you have built up reservations - a safe assumption - would you speak out in any way, shape or form - even in a restrained and gentle voice - against anything that DJT wants? Why would you not? Well, fear. 
Think of what the Cheney family is going through now with the fresh report on DJT's intentions. And now we're greatly discouraged in voting for Biden for the reason that is all over the place. So it'll be Trump. So Cheney, Pence, Adam Kinzinger and so many others had better have meetings with estate lawyers. If that'll even help. Trump will have so much power, he might wipe out all these families. He would probably have the assistance of our greatly corrupted U.S. Supreme Court in establishing a "secret police."
Coming on strong again
In a country that is going back to respecting the old Confederate symbols, would this really be surprising? 
Trumpism in the end may have to be put down by a worldwide coalition of nations. Let's call them the "Allies." They might have no choice, if climate change greatly worsens and people of the world begin blaming Trump's intransigence on the issue. He has said climate change is a "hoax." The secret police will probably come after people like me.
Addendum: Remember how Toby Keith was so absolutely pro-war, he tried to ruin a fellow country music act, the "Dixie Chicks?" 
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

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