"You'll never get ahead if you don't take care of what you have." - Doris Waddell, RIP

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn

The late Ralph E. Williams with "Heidi" - morris mn
Click on the image to read Williams family reflections w/ emphasis on UMM.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Morris featured in Wall Street Journal!

Our community in the Wall Street Journal
Here's a shot to our local consciousness. For those of you who stick around Morris some in summer, i.e. who aren't "at the lake" all the time, you should know: our community has distinction at present. We are in the Wall Street Journal! Yes, the east coast elite media has noticed us out here. A real feather in our cap. 
I didn't see this coming. So let's feel good. We used to depend on Prairie Pioneer Days to enliven us in midsummer. This year we have the shot of attention from the east coast prestige media. Even if you're at the lake a lot, you might feel pride, eh? 
The article is dated July 3. So, quite fresh. And here's the headline: "Conservative farm town went green without really trying." They have us in line with the image or stereotype of being "conservative" out here in the plains. We can hear coyotes at night, mainly from the east and north of Morris. Sounds just like in the old western movies. 
And yes we are "conservative." In the past this meant a philosophy that had respectability. Like in supporting Ronald Reagan. Today we have a congressperson in Michelle Fischbach who voted against certifying the 2020 election results. There are reports that Donald Trump is requiring his VP pick to sign a pledge about the 2020 election being stolen. What all fallout is going to come of this? 
Would Fischbach be good with such a pledge? Such an affirmation? Can't you see that Trump would never accept losing? And if his support grows strong enough, as has happened out here in coyote land, could our whole democratic system be destroyed? 
Do I personally have to worry about being intimidated or threatened by MAGA types when I show up to vote at our armory in Morris? Up until now the experience has been nothing like that: the people in charge are simply good civic-minded people. Will MAGA start to infiltrate locally? Will they look at me and presume I'll vote for some Democrats? What would be the repercussions? 
And now Fischbach may not even be good enough for the western Minnesota Republicans. We have this Steve Boyd hovering out here. Seems like our very own J.D. Vance. 
I'll be selfish and express the following concern: if Republicans succeed in totally dismantling the "administrative state" - if they wipe out vestiges of the New Deal - how are all the retirees going to get by? I mean, possibly stripped of our Social Security? Trump still talks about "repealing Obamacare." How will he and his minions attempt this? 
No matter what he attempts, he'll have an army of lawyers wearing suits and ties to try every trick in the book. Up 'til now it appears the Dems are more or loss emasculated. 
And is it getting worse? It may keep getting worse until there is a colossal collective shock felt in the populace, at which point. . . Well, I am not suggesting or recommending this but I'm just looking at world history. People ultimately need to take care of themselves. We go around town to purchase for our daily needs and are informed so routinely "the price went up." 
At what point do we start to turn with this to say "there has to be a fix." Higher interest rates? But holy cow, there is a very powerful class in America led by the billionaires who fight hammer and tongs against that. They can "clean up" for themselves with zero percent interest and more "quantitative easing." They always want quantitative easing. And they have the power and wealth to simply flee the country if they have to, if they feel the need to escape a visceral revolution from the political left. 
You think Jan. 6 was a visceral revolt? It was small potatoes compared to what could happen if a true left wing revolt found its legs nationwide. Yes it would be borne of desperation as all such revolts are. The communists tracked down Mussolini, executed him and had his body hung up on meat hooks for abuse. I am merely citing world history, warning about what could happen. 
Doug Burgum (forbes)
The Doug Burgums of the world would just get the heck out of here in advance. Mike Huckabee has talked about moving to Israel. I don't think he's done that yet. 
So to repeat: the Wall Street Journal characterizes us currently as "conservative." The subhead for the article reads "Tiny Morris Minn. adopted wind turbines, solar panels and composting to save money, not the planet - and now it has become a model for other rural towns." 
A friend gave me the email heads-up about the WSJ piece. He shared a photo of the print edition that allowed me to at least quote the headline. Then I typed the headline into search. I could only read the first paragraph "for free." Otherwise there's a paywall. I at least got the gist of the article. 
Will Steve Boyd win Stevens County? He of the "life begins at conception" line? Look, abortion is a disturbing topic, there is no doubt. But women need to be left alone on this. We were better off with wide "women's reproductive health rights." If Dems win we might be able to get Roe vs. Wade codified into law. Or, to get the Supreme Court expanded with new mainstream justices. 
I'm not betting on anything. There are a lot of older men who simply will not budge from supporting Trump. A psychologist might be able to explain. By the time we all learn, it will probably be too late. I am very skeptical. 
Listen to the older guys who gather in the middle section of DeToy's Restaurant in early morning. Fischbach may not be good enough for them. All things being equal, they might prefer a man.
Addendum: Has the Morris newspaper reported on the Wall Street Journal piece? Has the Morris paper reported on Scott Turnbull becoming new school athletic/activities director? Or, on Justin Daly being named girls basketball coach? I can't state for a fact that the paper hasn't done these things. I do not take notes week to week. 
I check out the Morris paper at our library. It is minimal size on this particular week. Of course midsummer is always ungodly "slow" in Motown. Prairie Pioneer Days was a way of adjusting for that, as Kevin Wohlers pointed out strongly. But he and I lost on that. Too many heavy-hitters in Morris who just need to "get away to the lake" as much as possible. 
The new Morris athletic director was previously the UMM soccer coach. I know the paper has run an article on his replacement as soccer coach. I don't think too many readers of the Morris paper care all that much about that. I think they care much more about who the athletic director is. 
Our previous AD left here for Minnewaska in order to get paid substantially more, according to reports out and around. So it's ironic that our MACA softball team defeated Minnewaska 15-0 in the tournament this past spring. Wouldn't you say? 
The paper's owners lecture on how we absolutely need the paper to stay informed. Well, I hope they are staying on top of things.
Illustrations from the WSJ piece

- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

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